Why the Founder/CEO of Docufide, now known as Parchment, believes MyDocs.Global is ushering in “the next admissions evolution.”

Why the Founder/CEO of Docufide, now known as Parchment, believes MyDocs.Global is ushering in “the next admissions evolution.”

Q: In 2003, you were the Founder/CEO of Docufide (now Parchment) and revolutionized college admissions by migrating from paper to electronic transcripts. Today, Parchment is the world’s largest academic credential management platform and network. What about that experience inspired you to start MyDocs.Global?

John: Migrating high schools and colleges away from paper was heavy lifting, and I’m quite proud of what we accomplished, but it’s frustrating that after 20 years, we still rely on static PDFs. Now - by properly leveraging today’s available OCR and AI/LLM technologies, we can unlock the full potential of academic data and transform admissions. In minutes, the technology converts submitted transcripts (even photos) from any country, in any language, into standardized, human- and machine-readable data, including a normalized GPA. This enables significant back-office processing efficiencies and innovative new services, some of which we have yet even to imagine. It’s truly the next significant admissions evolution.

Q: You describe yourself as a “product guy”. What makes you tick?

John: I love to eliminate elements that get in the way of doing our best work. When I designed and launched ATMs for Citicorp back in 1975, it was eye-opening how important self-service systems could be without an unnecessary intermediary. (Don’t be surprised when you see some self-service applications from MyDocs.) Much of my career has centered around removing the inefficiencies of paper processing (and now electronic images on paper). Yet sometimes, especially when dealing with many senders and receivers, a well-designed intermediary can increase efficiency, and Parchment was, and is, a perfect example. I believe MyDocs will be another one.

Q: What are some of your near-term goals for MyDocs.Global?

John: Gone are the days of admissions staff chasing leads that are dead ends. MyDocs will make recruiting and enrollment systems more cost-effective and more data-driven for prospects, applicants, and admissions staff. Armed with comprehensive academic data, institutions will be empowered to admit faster and personalize their outreach, admissions decisions, and scholarship awards, moving beyond a mere cumulative GPA to recognize and leverage the full spectrum of a student's achievements. It’s exactly the kinds of industry-disrupting evolution that has driven me my whole career – and we’re just getting started. 



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